I find it lowkey bizarre that in the modern day we do not really have any equivalents to this franchise in terms of quality, diversity, and gameplay. Really nothing has come out within the last decade that in any way compares (besides of course the other games in the series). There is definitely a demand for it, I mean think of the current popularity of Dress to Impress on Roblox. Ultimately, I feel as though a lot of this circles back to the fact that girl gamers are rarely ever the ones that are catered to. Looking back, all the girly games I played as a kid were not in a technical aspect, objectively very good. They mainly were a way to appeal and cash in on the young female demographic, all the while putting as little effort and money as possible into the project.

Overall, these games shaped my view of what adulthood would be like, and fostered my self expression in a way that few other games did. Of course, now that I am an adult and it is no longer the late 2000s, I can say that contemporary adulthood is significantly less fun than I had previously envisioned. But that doesn't prevent me from occassionally booting up my ds lite and finding a bit of solace in this game.