hellooo!!! this is my space where i share stuff about the music i have been enjoying, as well as my cd collection, and who knows maybe i'll find the time to log my vinyl collection at some point. i have always found a lot of inspiration in music, both listening to it as well as playing it myself, and i have made so many lasting memories through it. So i hope i can use this page to delve into why i like certain songs/artists and what they personally mean to me
* i cannot guarantee that the songs i recommend on here are objectively good, but sometimes i like stuff that kinda sucks. but i guess thats ur choice to decide which songs i put on here are trash
Mini Music Blog
Just wanted to take the time to document my experience at the Sunny Day Real Estate concert I went to on Friday, you know, for memories sake :)
I went to the second show in Philly which just so happened to be the exact 30 year anniversary of Diary's release. Which is an album that I have loved since middle school. We got their early to see the opener, a band called Rocket who I listened to the day prior in order to get more acquainted with them. Ultimately, they sounded really good, especially the drummer, and the lead singer/bassist was so pretty I was like transfixed by her. They played around six songs I think, and then we waited for about 20 minutes until SDRE came on. I think they played another song before playing entirely through Diary.
I barely even remember what the first song was though because the once they started playing Seven the crowd and I were absolutely freaking out. This was probably the song I was most excited for and so I was a bit concerned it would fall flat compared to my high expectations, however I can say that hearing it live was truly incredible experience. The band sounded great, and the crowd was so responsive and it was just a beautiful thing to witness. Hearing the album live also sold a few of the songs I used to overlook on the album, for instance Pheurton Skeurto was a song I liked but was not crazy about it. But hearing it live really made me appreciated, and it was cool to see how it could sound without piano. During the end of the set the crowd also started getting rowdy right where we were standing, as a bunch of 18 year olds decided to keep starting mosh pits. I appreciated the effort, especially since emo as a genre stemmed from the hardcore scene, but they were doing it during the slower songs? Like there were much more fitting songs to mosh to but I get the desire to emulate the scene that you were too young to experience in its prime. If i was there alone I probably would've joined in too.
By the end of the show I had a contact high and was about to pass out standing up like some kinda horse, but I tried to be as in the moment as I could during the encore, as they took the time to play a song from each of their other releases. I was especially hyped to hear Pillars and Faces in Disguise. Specifically the latter, because that was the song that got me into them in the first place. They both sounded great but for me it was the louder songs that hit the hardest and I was lowkey out of it by then anyways.
On the way out I was able to complement one of the guitarists of Rocket and he was very nice and I also got hit on by a guy, too bad i don't swing that way. But yeah it was a great time, and you should totally listend to Sunny Day Real Estate/go to one of their concerts if you ever get the opportunity.It was my first standing rock concert and it really was such an incredible experience!