Daria is an animated TV sitcom that chronicles the adventures of Daria Morgendorffer, a cynical and sarcastic loner at Lawndale High School. Most episodes revolved mainly around how she dealt with the absurdities of life, her relationship with her family (lawyer mom Helen, business consultant father Jake, and ultra-popular younger sister Quinn), and her friendship with Jane Lane, a fellow outcast and an aspiring artist.
(Outpost Daria Reborn)
My history with Daria
I remember first watching Daria when I was around twelve to thirteen years old, currently experiencing middle school and all of the cynicism that comes with it and overall i felt quite ostracized from my peers. so of course, i saw clips from the show and thought "she's so me", and from there on out it has been a constant cycle of me wondering if i was actually like Daria to begin with and thats what ultimately drew me to the show, or did i just start watching the show and happened to adopt her characteristics because i thought she was cool. Regardless, we looked a bit alike, had a morbid sense of humor, and we were loner/bookish types, and so I immediately fell in love with her as well as the show. While at first i idolized her and Jane in a way that was completely antithetical to goal of the show, as I have gotten older and more mature, I have grown to see that at her core, she was navigating the world in a way that she thought was morally righteous, but that does not mean she is always right. And as someone who is similarly headstrong, the lesson of being true to yourself while also learning to admit to your mistakes when necessary is a lesson that I am still trying to internalize myself.
Either way, this show has shaped me into the person i am today and in many ways i live vicariously through the show, as for some reason i feel like i would have really thrived being a teenager in the late 90s (as i definitely did not thrive as a teenager in the late 2010s :/ ...) It has introduced me to some really great music, and has been a consistent form of bonding for me with strangers on the internet and for that I will always be grateful. But most importantly, was that it was a large reason as to why I got into the old web/web design. I remember being so desperate to find old content from the show, that I stumbled upon Outpost Daria, which further introduced me to the sense of community that had existed on the internet around a decade prior to when I began to use it.