Hi! my name is Frankie and this is my site

While I pretty much never get past editing my homepage, I mainly made this site as a reason to get back into web design and show my appreciation for the aesthetics associated with 90s and 2000s internet, as well as have a personalized place to share my interests and hobbies. I originally got into coding while taking a semester of web design in my sophomore year in high school, and it was through that experience that I had found a deep love for the time when the web was not completely coporatized. While i am only one person I like to think my dedication to the upkeep of my site and interaction among the sites and people of neocities is in a way contributing to the indie web community. I think of my site as a sort of frankenstein-monster, combining parts of windows 95, xp, and 7 as well as countless other aesthetics and vintage web design trends that have had their moments of popularity throughout the last three decades. I do not focus on complete accuracy at portraying any certain time period, but rather compiling my favorite elements to form something unique :)

Hopefully i will start adding more frequent entries to the blog as soon as I find the free time as I am a full-time college student. I do not think i will ever be truly "done" adding things on here so it really is just a constant work in progress. But yeah, ultimately, I find this space to be very comforting and a great escape from daily life and the overconnected landscape of modern-day social media. I would love to make new friends so u can always feel free to contact me! Overall, I hope u enjoy my little corner of the internet ♥.

To Do
  finish my dream diary
  update blog
  complete daria shrine
  clean up gaming page
  finish music page =
Web Clap by FC2

Change Log

   The current mood of chr0notrigger at